1.Music is a universal language:
It inspires common human feelings and bridges gaps between cultures that spoken languages cannot. It brings people together and creates universal community.
2.Music inspires and evokes emotion in a healthy way:
It touches our emotional being and evokes moods and feelings that are sometimes difficult to express. It can change a difficult mood and make it happy or excited; it can change a light mood and take it deeper and more profound.
3.Music enhances learning and makes it more enjoyable:
It is scientifically proven that music enhances brain functioning. Playing music uses many brain functions simultaneously: motor control, imagination, hearing, sight, memory, etc.
4.Music creates ambiance:
You can use music in any environment to enhance and augment what is already there. Consider the difference between a party with music and one without, or a sporting event, or a movie, or a romantic restaurant, or driving in your car...
5.Music is spiritual:
Music is of the spirit and inspirational to the spirit. All religions use music to help express spiritual values, and all religions use music to uplift the spirit.
6.Music sparks the imagination:
It invokes mental imagery and inner scenery that opens the mind to amazing insight and spans the distance between the stars.
7.Music is a simple pleasure:
All it takes is your ears and your imagination.
I believe that at the center of the phenomenon of the magic that music creates is the spiritual aspect. Music is a gift from God, a sacred expression of the Universal Life Force Energy that creates us all.
रविवार, 19 दिसंबर 2010
सोमवार, 27 सितंबर 2010
गुरुवार, 16 सितंबर 2010
मंगलवार, 24 अगस्त 2010
भगवती जागरण पूजा का समान
s डल विधि २१ चावल केसर में रंग कर इच्छा अनुसार दक्ष्ना लाल कपडे में बांध कर जागरण करता के संचालक को दें
पूजा का समान
१. एक कोरा घड़ा
२. ३ तीन नारियल पानी वाले
३. 5 ग्राम लोंग व् मोती एलैची
४. 11 पान के पाते व् साबुत सुपारी
५. 100 ग्राम मोली तारों वाली
६. नया गिलास या लोटा
७. ढाई मीटर लाल टेरीकोट का कपडा व् श्रृंगार का सामान
८. 10 ग्राम मूषक कपूर डालियो वाला
९. पांच प्रकार के फल 200 पिस या सांगत अनुसार
११. दो पैगत धुप और अगरबत्ती
१२. फूलों के हार 21 और एक बड़ा हार
१३. 1 पुडिया केसर और रोली 20 ग्राम , एक माचिस
१४. एक तोलिया और एक गोट्टे वाली चुनरिया
१५. गंगा जल आम के पत्ते और सवा किलो चावल
१६. बट्टे का प्रसाद बादाम गिरी 100 ग्राम छुवारे 250 ग्राम फूल मखाने १०० ग्राम मीठे मखाने 2 किलो खोपा गिरी 500 ग्राम किशमिश 250 ग्राम
नोट: जनरेटर 100 मीटर दूर,30 मेज टेंट वाली 6 चांदनी ,6 से 8 फोक्क्स लाइट दरबार के लिए, जागरण वाले दिन लासन पियाज का इस्तेमाल न करें
पूजा का समान
१. एक कोरा घड़ा
२. ३ तीन नारियल पानी वाले
३. 5 ग्राम लोंग व् मोती एलैची
४. 11 पान के पाते व् साबुत सुपारी
५. 100 ग्राम मोली तारों वाली
६. नया गिलास या लोटा
७. ढाई मीटर लाल टेरीकोट का कपडा व् श्रृंगार का सामान
८. 10 ग्राम मूषक कपूर डालियो वाला
९. पांच प्रकार के फल 200 पिस या सांगत अनुसार
११. दो पैगत धुप और अगरबत्ती
१२. फूलों के हार 21 और एक बड़ा हार
१३. 1 पुडिया केसर और रोली 20 ग्राम , एक माचिस
१४. एक तोलिया और एक गोट्टे वाली चुनरिया
१५. गंगा जल आम के पत्ते और सवा किलो चावल
१६. बट्टे का प्रसाद बादाम गिरी 100 ग्राम छुवारे 250 ग्राम फूल मखाने १०० ग्राम मीठे मखाने 2 किलो खोपा गिरी 500 ग्राम किशमिश 250 ग्राम
नोट: जनरेटर 100 मीटर दूर,30 मेज टेंट वाली 6 चांदनी ,6 से 8 फोक्क्स लाइट दरबार के लिए, जागरण वाले दिन लासन पियाज का इस्तेमाल न करें
पूजा का समान
शनिवार, 21 अगस्त 2010
Significance of Jagran
The concept of ‘ Jagran ' or ‘Jagrata' is a common practice in the , and is frequently misconstrued by others. The word Jagran , derived from the Sanskrit word ‘ jaagar ', meaning awake or a state of alertness, refers to this period of nocturnal wakefulness. Many Hindu fasts or ‘vrats' such as that of Satyanarayan and Ekadashi advocate the practice of Jagran , or all night vigil, during which the Almighty is venerated through various acts of worship. The logistics of fasting have been discussed in an earlier article.
However, what drives the devout to forfeit a night's sleep and remain awake? To comprehend this we must analyse a central belief of Sanatan Dharma. Quoting Shri Krishna from the Bhagavad-Gita, ‘yagyo daanam tapashchaiva paavanaani maneeshinaam ' , describes the main methods of atonement for humans. Yagya alludes to sacrificing something to the Supreme Being, which is dear to us. Sleep, just like eating, is for the most part an agreeable experience. The impulse to sleep, in the Hindu context is described as ‘ Nidraa ', which in itself is a manifestation of a base female aspect of the Almighty, ‘ Yogamaya ' . This particular form of the female energy, orNidraa , induces sleep in living beings and is most prevalent at night.
The practice of ‘ Bhagvati Jagran' or Jagrata by the devotees of the Mother Goddess, Shakti, is widely observed. The reason for this is the aforementioned association of sleep as a manifestation ofYogamaya .
Jagrata is performed all through the night to thank the GOD for his blessings and all the love he has bestowed upon us. It is believed that one who approaches the GOD with a pure heart never returns empty handed.
रविवार, 11 जुलाई 2010
About Shreeom
ShreeOm word is a combination of two different words. Shree according to hindu mythology is always denoted for Shakti the power. Shakti the Godess is also known by many different names like Amba, Ambika, Kali, Durga, Sharda, Saraswati, Chandi, Bhadra Kali, Sherawli, Vashno devi, Bhagwati, Bhramma Charini, Shailputri, Gauri, Chandra Ghanta, Kushmanda, Askand mata, Kadyaini, Kalratri, Sidhi datri, Bhawani and many more. Om is denoted for lord Shiva. Thus leads to ShreeOm. It is also belived that lord Shiva is the combination of both Shiv and Shakti called as the Ardha-Narishwar.
About us
शुक्रवार, 9 जुलाई 2010
बुधवार, 13 जनवरी 2010
Shree Om A Divine Musical Group
Shreeom A Divine Musical Group.Divine music is one source to get meet god .Here we produce the same so a man can meet the very divine source and have peace in his life.
We is a professional group which have mission to promote indian divine music.
Founder was Om Parkash Verma(O P Verma) Music Director
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)